Managing Broker

Brett Fulmer’s passion for insurance has led him to be a regularly contributing author for Insurance Nerds ( blog, and numerous other InsurTech related media platforms.

Newport Beach Insurance Center LLC had began as Brett’s “InsurTech sandbox,” a place for him to try new tools and programs, as he explore the intersection of insurance and technology and has grown into an LLC and an agency he’s proudly building.


Brett Fulmer || d (949) 209-5661 ||

Carrier ACCESS

Building Newport Beach Insurance Center LLC would not have been possible without Smart Choice, SmartChoice is a network of over 9,300 independent agencies and more than 100 carriers. We also can connect you with Life Insurance carrier access.

Please email me at, or use the form below to find out more.

Sales Strategy

Through various startup advisory roles, running his own agency, and working with hundreds of insurance brokers. Brett Fulmer, “Broker Brett” lends Insurance sales advice to various companies and individuals, helping line up classic sales strategies and product placement, as we all helping build out embedded insurance opportunities and program-driven insurance sales strategies.

Please visit for more information on the Consulting side of his business.

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